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7-Zip 9.34 Alpha 发布

  • 时间:2014-06-22 20:59
  • 来源:下载吧
  • 编辑:drag0n

7-Zip 9.33 Alpha发布没几天,就出放出7-Zip 9.34 Alpha,应该是紧急修复新版本的bug。7-Zip具有极高的压缩算法,大部分类型文件压缩率比WinRAR好点,但GUI图形界面和使用方面没有WinRAR方便。从7-Zip 9.33开始,7z的菜单加入显示图标了,但美观方面比WinRAR差些。不过7-Zip是开源的,有能力的可以自行下载源码进行修改编译自己的版本。


7-Zip 9.34 Alpha 下载:
7-Zip for 32-bit Windows:http://dl.7-zip.org/7z934.exe http://dl.7-zip.org/7z934.msi
7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x6:http://dl.7-zip.org/7z934-x64.msi

7-Zip 9.34 alpha version is provided without source code.
Source code will be released in future beta version.
Please write here at forum about any new bugs.
What's new after 7-Zip 9.33 alpha:
The BUG in 9.33 was fixed:
Command line version of 7-Zip could work incorrectly, if there is relative
path in exclude filename optiton (-x) and absolute path as include filename.
The BUG in 9.26-9.33 was fixed:
7-Zip could not open some unusual 7z archives that were created by another
software (not by 7-Zip).
The BUG in 9.31-9.33 was fixed:
7-Zip could crash with switch -tcab.
